Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kindergarten... ALREADY?

It really has been long enough since I gave birth to my five pound two ounce little boy that now he gets to go to kindergarten. Really? REALLY?  I am very surprised to say it has been. He is now a forty pound nearly five year old!
His first day went perfect. He kissed me and said he loved me and began his day.   He started using the lincoln logs set out by his teacher and had a cabin nearly built by the time we left.  OUR SON'S an architect! He really has done so well this week. He loves going to school. He doesn't verbally tell me a lot of what he does while he is actually there. He gets sent home with everything he colors, cuts and pastes. He works hard at school. And his teacher says he is a very sweet boy. The one thing he has told me is that he "knows everything the teacher tells him". I have no doubt he is enjoying all the learning, playtime, friends and new experiences.  He is Brandon's son afterall.

MEANWHILE, Addie and I miss our bubba terribly! we don't know what to do without him. So we have been baking, going to starbucks, watching girl shows, and visiting the chickens.  We count the hours till we go pick him up and always enthusiastically get there at least a half hour before he is released.

We will spend the next few months trying to figure out the best routine for us.  We sure are proud of our guy though.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wish List

Today as I set the kids down around the dinner table to work on their toy wish list I laughed at how much I have influenced what they want.

To hear carter tell Addie "you don't want the zhu zhu pets addie, they're totally lame" made me laugh.  Then, "I don't want the stinky the garbage truck, it is so annoying!"  Then addie, "I want that" about every learning toy! And "eww, pooping baby (the baby alive)" made me happy.  My idea planting has been working!

After all was done it was a nearly typical boy and girl wish list filled with cars, and star wars for carter and barbies and dolls for Addie.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Mostly I was going to blog about the kids and their antics but I was reminded yesterday of something else.

When I go to weddings I am reminded of vows that Brandon and I took and feel renewed when we leave.  I am reminded of that new love, and the sweetness of a new beginning for us.  I felt my mom and Mike's proudness as they watched us start life as full-fledged "independent" adults.  It was a really surreal experience and weddings are so awesome to remind me of that decision and those vows.

Unfortunately, deaths also remind me of untimely passing of my own dad.  In a moment of someone elses sadness I begin to relive all the sadness that I suffered.  I remember the day minute by minute and mile by mile as we drove as fast as we could.. all for nothing of course.  I am thankful that I had my family there to help us through a very difficult time.  It makes me so sad to think that anybody else would ever feel that same sadness. 

So I guess all I am saying is that other peoples memories make me relive mine.. happy and sad. The pain I feel for other people is so real. 

/self loathing and sadness for the day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I knew if I believed it would happen

My adorable and sweet Addie decided to nap today! <3

I was lucky enough to start the day with a typically delicious cup of coffee from my awesome Keurig Coffee Brewer. We did a little playing, some dress up, some tug boat, some race cars. Then we had a snack. Then I made some Hot Apple Cider with my fabulously awesome Keurig Coffee Brewer, and omg the kids and I loved it!  We watched Monsters Vs. Aliens, enjoyed our Cider.  Such a sweet day. 

In between, laundry and dog duty, I was able to get lunch served and eaten and cleaned up! THEN a MAGICAL thing happened. . . Carter and Addie agreed to nap, and even walked themselves upstairs and they were laying in their beds waiting for me to tell them goodnap.   Came downstairs laid Kesler on the couch, and ten minutes later total relaxation and bliss 2 weeks in the making!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Terror Hour

I would like to blame the time change but I don't think I can.

I would like to think I am engaging, and entertaining.. But apparently I am not that awesome from four o'clock to five o'clock the kids act like little terrorists.

I would like to reclaim this hour however I don't see how that could be possible.

So for now, I wake up at 6 am, and don't get peace until 6pm.  It has become a very long draining day..everyday.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Toy story 3...our adventure after their adventure!

I decided that I would finally take Addie to her first trip to the movie theater.  Carter and I have been wanting to see Toy Story 3 forever!

So we get there for the first showing at 11:35am.  We got our tickets: $3.00 and then they had to have popcorn and drinks.  I couldn't just get one to share since I didn't want any extra germ sharing! So $20.00 later we could go into the theater.  The theater didn't open until 11:00am and I wasn't able to get everyone situated before the lights went out.  Carter knew the deal so he sat, got his straw in his cup, and was snacking away. Addie needed her popcorn immediately but wasn't heavy enough to keep the seat from collapsing. So I left them alone (YIKES) for a second and there was a booster right outside the door.  Grabbed that, but by the time I got back she spilled over half her popcorn.

Ok.. She was snacking and seated and I was able to sit.  I also had some GoGurts in my purse.  And snickers. And Tic-Tacs. And Capri Suns. And Granola Bars.  So Addie was able to sustain the whole movie!

At the end of the movie I had to pee, I was sure Addie had to pee.  We go into the bathroom and she sits and pees outside the potty because she didn't scoot back far enough! Argh! So I change her whole outfit (including socks).  I needed something to wrap her "pee clothes" in so I leaned over the toilet to grab a seat protector.. and her sweater fell into the potty!! ArGH! I ditch the seat protector and grab the sweater out, flip it to the dry side, wrap her pee clothes in it, and exit the theater as quickly as possible.

We did it!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The sibling bond

When I think about my own sisters and how much I love them NOW I know it started from very young childhood and of course there was a time when I thought maybe I didn't love them.  (You know, when they are telling your mom on every move you made when you were trying to make every mistake in the book. Of course it was love that compelled them to tell.)

Ok.. Back to what I was going to say..

Carter and Addison love each other in a very special way.  They do fight over toys, and books and if we are watching the Transformers or Dora The Explorer! In recent weeks, Carter has started school which I thought would make Addie happy to have free range of the house! OH NO! Quite the opposite, she roams around saying, "Cawduh, Bubba, Carduh". She wouldn't nap the other day while he was at preschool without his very special White Blankie.  And today carter is sick so I sent him upstairs to rest in my bed while Addie was playing down here, and she threw down because she wanted to go upstairs to be with carter!  And now as the evening is winding down, carter is still laying on the couch pitifully and Addie is laying with her head next to his, and gently massaging and rubbing his head and ears. 

 I am so happy they have each other to love and bond with.

And, again,  to reflect back to my own childhood my sisters were always loving and caring in the times that were the most important. When I was sick, and when I was scared I could always count on comfort from them. I love them so much today for being awesome then and now!